
Home News Tag: Housing Crisis

In the current political climate, we need Commonweal Housing more than ever

By Connie Muttock / October 21, 2019

Our new Policy and Communications Manager Connie reflects on why Commonweal’s approach is so important today

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Human beings who need homes are complex. Our solutions to the housing crisis must be similarly intricate

By Ashley Horsey / October 1, 2019

01/10/2019 – A “one size fits all” solution to the housing crisis will inevitably leave those with more complex needs behind, says Ashley Horsey (CEO).

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Warm Words and Some Cold Reality

By Ashley Horsey / September 20, 2018

It genuinely is a good thing to have a serving Prime Minister come to a social housing conference and extol the virtues of and provide the promise of more funding to enable more social and affordable rented homes to be built. The fact that Theresa May’s attendance at this week’s National Housing Federation Summit was…

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Commonweal receives recognition for Pods at Homeless Link Conference

By Rebecca Dillon / July 12, 2018

Showcasing the Pods at the Homeless Link Conference in Leicestershire, Commonweal and partners Thames Reach were awarded second place in the Innovation in Housing category at the Homeless Link “Under One Roof” conference Excellence Awards. The awards ceremony was the first time Homeless Link have held awards. Two of Commonweal’s projects were nominated for the…

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Housing First – what's not to like?

By Ashley Horsey / March 15, 2017

Housing First is a fantastic model with a proven record of tackling homelessness. But can it work in the UK, where housing is in such desperately short supply?

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The Private Rented Sector a necessary evil or good and vital partners?

By Rebecca Dillon / January 4, 2016

I have long been an advocate of making use of and working with the private rented sector to meet housing need.  Partly through pragmatism (realising there was simply not enough publicly funded social housing) and partly through a strong belief in multiple options and choice. The private rented sector in various guises has been a…

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