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We provide support and funding for research into areas of social injustice to help determine whether housing could be part of a solution.

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No Access, No Way Out

A new report by independent researcher Becky Rice, on behalf of Commonweal Housing, reveals the shocking state and scarcity of privately rented housing options for single homeless people.

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Exploitation and its links to housing and homelessness: The experience of Romanian and Albanian nationals in London

A study by STOP THE TRAFFIK explores how Romanian and Albanian nationals are being exploited in the London Boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham, Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and the City of Westminster, and how this exploitation links to their housing situations. 

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Difficult Transitions: How certain experiences put young people at particular risk of homelessness

Report by national homelessness membership charity Homeless Link and commissioned by Commonweal examines the drivers of youth homelessness.

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Family Emergency Accommodation Guidance

Research authored by architects Morris + Company proposes specific standards for Emergency Accommodation for families with dependent children.


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We Still Care: The role housing must play in offering young adult carers independent life

Report by Nicola Aylward of Learning and Work Institute, commissioned by Quaker Social Action and Commonweal, explores the challenges young adult carers face.

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Homes for Ukraine: learnings to inform and shape future hosting schemes

A study by the University of Nottingham's Rights Lab and Hope at Home, funded by Commonweal, analyses hosts experiences hosting via the Homes for Ukraine scheme and how these learnings can improve future hosting schemes. 

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Migration patterns and trafficking risks for those fleeing Ukraine

Research by STOP THE TRAFFIK, commissioned by Commonweal, includes key findings and insights for businesses and NGOs to help prevent human trafficking or mitigate its impacts.


Findings for Businesses >>

Findings for NGOs >>

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Closed Doors: Inequalities and injustices in appropriate and secure housing provision for female victims of trafficking who are seeking asylum

Research by Hibiscus Initiatives, supported by Commonweal through the Housing Helps competition.


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What are the barriers faced when attempting to implement modular designed accommodation for vulnerable people?

George Fisher (MA Architecture, Central Saint Martins) explores the potential of modular-designed housing for vulnerable people.


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Hosting Her: research exploring host housing options for women

Independent researchers Lisa Young and Tessa Horvath explore hosting schemes and how they can best support homeless women.


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Exempt from Responsibility?

Research from Spring Housing and the University of Birmingham's Housing and Communities Research Group, on social injustices in the 'exempt' accommodation sector.


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LivShare: Reclaiming the HMO

Report by housing and development consultant Andy Redfearn on a new, genuinely affordable housing model for single people in low incomes.


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Building safe choices

Research by Brighton Women's Centre and Homeless Link into rough sleeping couples and how homeless services provide them with support.


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Accessibility is the key: wheelchair accessible homes needed for private rent

An investigation by Abode Impact into the lack of suitable private homes to rent for wheelchair users in the UK.


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Non-resident parents and shared housing

Research conducted by the Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research into the impact on children of non-resident parents living in shared accommodation.


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Research into the lives of Romanian migrant workers living in encampments in London

Research looking at the nature of tent encampments made by migrant workers, conducted by Thames Reach.


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Building safe choices

Couples First? Understanding the needs of rough sleeping couples

Research conducted by Stonewall Housing, investigating current provision of housing and related care and support services for older LGBT+ people.


Full report >>

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