Project News

Sharing homes, sharing progress

By Rebecca Dillon | April 4, 2013

Commonweal’s Peer Landlord project is set to shift up a gear, with great results and £1.5m in social investment, reports CEO Ashley Horsey.

Social Investors back shared housing initiative for former rough sleepers

By Rebecca Dillon | March 26, 2013

26th March 2013 – A syndicate of social investors comprising the Bridges Social Entrepreneurs Fund, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Trust for London have joined forces to back a project which will test a new shared housing model to help those who have suffered from homelessness and social exclusion.

Transforming Lives and celebrating National Women's Day

By Rebecca Dillon | March 5, 2013

Transforming lives is at the heart of International Women’s Day [on Friday] and one initiative doing so, that we are proudly involved in, is the Chrysalis Project in South London.

Miscarriages of Justice – a double social injustice

By Rebecca Dillon | March 4, 2013

Commonweal launches a new project to research the structured support and resettlement needs of people wrongly imprisoned by the state.

Chrysalis project: moving from exploitation to independence

By Rebecca Dillon | March 4, 2013

Commonweal and St Mungo’s have jointly delivered the Chrysalis project since 2009. Here we present the findings of our evaluation of the project that helps women exit street prostitution.

A successful national network

By Rebecca Dillon | March 4, 2013

Continued success of Commonweal’s flagship Re-Unite project now sees it running in five regions across England, supporting more and more women to reunite with their children when released from prison.

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