
Home News Page 62

Commonweal speaking at the Chartered Institute for Housing's conference

By Rebecca Dillon / June 17, 2010

Commonweal, Housing for Women and NACRO will be speaking about the successful Re-Unite project for homeless mothers being released from prison.

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Re-Unite evaluation summary now available

By Rebecca Dillon / June 14, 2010

The Re-Unite Project houses mothers who would be homeless on their release from prison, enabling these mothers to be reunited with their children.

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Re-Unite: 3-year evaluation of the pilot scheme released

By Rebecca Dillon / March 10, 2010

The three-year evaluation of the Re-Unite Project undertaken by the Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University is now available for you to read.

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A new Chief Executive for Commonweal

By Rebecca Dillon / January 3, 2010

As part of the next phase of development, Commonweal is pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Horsey as Chief Executive

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Review of Commonweal's 2008-09 activities

By Rebecca Dillon / October 5, 2009

Commonweal Chair, Fiona Mactaggart M.P. reviews our year 2008 – 2009.

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Announcing the Chrysalis project

By Rebecca Dillon / June 14, 2009

St.Mungo’s and Commonweal sign agreements for the Chrysalis project.

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