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Sep 10, 2019
New recommendations for mothers in prison welcomed by Commonweal
The Joint Select Committee on Human Rights has published a new report, recommending urgent reforms to support for imprisoned mothers and their children.
Sep 5, 2019
"The catalyst for everything positive in my life"
05/09/2019 - Sam Pannell, Support Worker at Elmbridge Rentstart, tells us what his clients have to say about the wrap-around support provided in Freedom2Work.

Aug 1, 2019
Commonweal shortlisted for women's housing award
Commonweal is up for an award in Inside Housing's seventh annual Women in Housing Awards.

Jul 10, 2019
Annual Impact Review 2018/19 reflects on what makes a house feel like home
Commonweal Housing is today launching its 2018/19 annual impact review, celebrating progress and achievements from the past year.

Jul 5, 2019
The Amari project is a lifeline for survivors of human trafficking
A blog by Zoe Dexter, Welfare and Housing Manager at the Helen Bamber Foundation which refers women to the Amari project.

Jul 2, 2019
Housing service for destitute migrants wins national award for innovation
A housing service run by Praxis Community Projects , developed alongside Commonweal Housing has won the Innovation in Housing award at...

Jun 19, 2019
Looking to Re-unite; Lord Farmer’s Review places renewed faith in the importance of family
Our Chief Executive reflects on Lord Farmer's Review and how it echoes recommendations from our Re-Unite pilot project.

Jun 18, 2019
First Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary recipients shine a light on social injustice
Commonweal Housing celebrate the first ever winners of the Jane Slowey Memorial Bursary.

Jun 2, 2019
Housing service for destitute migrants wins national award for innovation
A housing service run by Praxis Community Projects , developed alongside Commonweal Housing has won the Innovation in Housing award at...

Apr 9, 2019
Housing project providing crucial support for women exiting sexual exploitation
A London-based housing project is providing crucial support for women who have been victims of sexual exploitation, helping them to...

Mar 15, 2019
Opening a private door to wheelchair accessible housing
To mark Disabled Access Day, Liberty Bollen from Abode Impact, discusses recognising the needs of people with disabilities in housing.

Mar 8, 2019
International Women's Day - Services for Women
On International Women’s Day, our Chair, Fiona Mactaggart, discusses the need for specific services for women experiencing homelessness.

Mar 7, 2019
International Women's Day - No Recourse to Public Funds
In celebration of International Women’s Day, we hear from Maria, who was housed by Praxis, on the impact the project has had on her life.

Mar 6, 2019
International Women's Day - Women on the Streets
We hear from Lisa Dando, Director of Brighton Women’s Centre about the invisibility of women on the streets.Â

Feb 18, 2019
Pioneering housing project helping asylum seekers out of destitution
After three years in development, our No Recourse to Public Funds project has received its final evaluation, after helping over 100 people.

Feb 14, 2019
Campaign raises awareness of homeless women attempting to stay safe on Valentine’s Day
A social media campaign is raising awareness of the safety of homeless women and rough sleeping couples this Valentine’s Day, by highlighting how people are #CouplingUp on the streets.

Feb 7, 2019
Andrew's Story - Freedom2Work
Read about Andrew, a client from Elmbridge Rentstart, on how the Freedom2Work project changed his life.

Jan 25, 2019
Lewisham Mayor launches innovative homeless sleeping pods
London’s first temporary indoor sleeping pods for people who are homeless were officially opened today (Friday 25 January) by Damien...

Dec 18, 2018
Report shows impact of project on preventing homelessness in young adult carers
An interim report for Move On Up has shown how the project is helping to halt homelessness for young adult carers.Â

Dec 17, 2018
New sleeping Pods installed at south London homeless shelter
Ten new sleeping Pods have been installed at a homeless shelter in Deptford, south London. Designed by architects Reed Watts in response...

Dec 14, 2018
Commonweal project for destitute migrants finalist in World Habitat Awards
A Commonweal funded project that houses destitute migrants has been selected as a finalist in the World Habitat Awards.Â

Dec 7, 2018
Giving people the Freedom2Work: the journey so far
Support Worker Sam Pannell reflects on the Freedom2Work project.

Dec 5, 2018
Homeless women entering potentially dangerous relationships in attempt to stay safe on the streets
Many homeless women across the UK are in dangerous and abusive relationships in an attempt to protect themselves from the wider risks of...

Nov 27, 2018
Interim report shows housing project is helping to combat unemployment
The second interim report for Freedom2Work, a project dedicated to helping homeless people out of unemployment has demonstrated the success of the scheme.
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