Innovative domestic abuse partnership gives women chance to stabilise, recover and ‘hope and dream’ for the future
A new pilot partnership between Solace Women’s Aid, Commonweal Housing and Southwark Council reports major benefits for vulnerable women fleeing domestic abuse.
Read MoreCommonweal Housing appoints two new trustees
MHCLG Advisor Jeremy Swain and Senior Advisor in Mayor of London’s office Sneha Patel have been appointed as trustees of the charity Commonweal Housing.
Read MoreHousing project for young adult carers is addressing a gap in provision
27/02/20 – Commonweal Housing, Learning and Work Institute and Quaker Social Action have today published interim findings of an evaluation of the Move On Up project.
Read MoreWe must collaborate to promote innovative modular housing for vulnerable people
George Fisher shares the findings of his report for Commonweal into modular design, and its role in the future of housing for vulnerable groups.
Read MoreGreater collaboration and creativity needed to release the potential of modular housing
13/02/2020 – A new report published today by Commonweal Housing calls for collaboration and creativity to overcome some of the barriers facing modular construction.
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